Tag Archives: Software Rasterizer

Software Occlusion Culling

Software Occlusion Culling (SOC) is a part of the rendering 3D spaces pipeline. In this technique, objects that are hidden (for example over the wall) will removed from the pipeline and will not be painted. This approach will increase performance and create smoother experiences in movement for gamers.

What’s SeganSOC?
SeganSOC (Segan Software Occlusion Culling) is a free tool for easy implementation of occlusion culling systems in any type of game engine. The most important properties of this tool are easy to use and is independent of other parts of the engine. These specifications will improve the programmer’s ability and high flexibility in working on the engine. But it’s here in Tech Museum! because It’s written in Delphi and I may try to write a new soon in C++ with more optimization!

SeganSOC features:

  • Independent Software mesh with serialization functions.
  • Implemented simplifier function using a new method to reduce the number of triangles.
  • Use triangles cache to prevent drawing hidden triangles which are placed behind big triangles.

For more information and downloads click here …